Granite Headstones Monument China Manufacturer Since 1992
As one of leading Granite Headstone,monument,gravestone,tombstone manufacturers based in China, Zippystone has been offering world market with all kinds of,Granite Stones, Fireplace Carving, tiles, slabs, countertops, columns at a reasonable price for 25 years

China Granite Tombstone
Zippystone is specialized in processing various local granite and marble products.
Finished products include granite monuments, granite tiles, marble tiles, various granite slabs and marble slabs, bath and kitchen countertops, fireplace, etc.
Gravestone China Manufacturer
We are located in the north of China, in the junction of Shanxi province and Hebei province. Shanxi and Hebei are well known for the China black granite (Shanxi black granite and Hebei black granite).
There are more than 1000 stone factories in our hometown.
China Granite Slabs Tiles
And our main stone materials are: Black granite, White marble, Gray granite, Pink granite, Ever green, etc. We sincerely expect the people who need our products to come to our stone industry zone to have a visit, let your eyes to choose your demand. We guarantee the excellent quality and more reasonable price.
Granite Monuments
We Specilized in European style, Russian, American, Polish, Irish monuments and many more. Including Slant, Flat/ Marker, Upright, Angel, Heart, Religious, Crosss, Book Style Hand-carved and Statues TOMBSTONES, MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MEMORIALS. Both of OEM and ODM are acceptable
Granite Monuments China
Zippystone As located in China, Our mission is to serve a worldwide customer base providing innovative international solutions that recognizes the value of customer care
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What is a Headstone
A headstone, tombstone, or gravestone is a stele or marker, usually stone, that is placed over a grave. They are traditional for burials in the Christian, Jewish and Muslim religions, among others. In most cases they have the deceased’s name, date of birth, and date of death inscribed on them, along with a personal message, or prayer, but they may contain pieces of funerary art, especially details in stone relief. In many parts of Europe insetting a photograph of the deceased in a frame is very common
Headstone Use
The stele (plural stelae), as it is called in an archaeological context, is one of the oldest forms of funerary art. Originally, a tombstone was the stone lid of a stone coffin, or the coffin itself, and a gravestone was the stone slab that was laid over a grave. Now all three terms are also used for markers placed at the head of the grave. Some graves in the 18th century also contained footstones to demarcate the foot end of the grave. This sometimes developed into full kerb sets that marked the whole perimeter of the grave. Footstones were rarely annotated with more than the deceased’s initials and year of death, and sometimes a memorial mason and plot reference number. Many cemeteries and churchyards have removed those extra stones to ease grass cutting by machine mower. Note that in some UK cemeteries the principal, and indeed only, marker is placed at the foot of the grave.
Owing to soil movement and Downhill creep on gentle slopes, older headstones and footstones can often be found tilted at an angle. Over time, this movement can result in the stones being sited several metres away from their original location.
Graves, and any related memorials are a focus for mourning and remembrance. The names of relatives are often added to a gravestone over the years, so that one marker may chronicle the passing of an entire family spread over decades. Since gravestones and a plot in a cemetery or churchyard cost money, they are also a symbol of wealth or prominence in a community. Some gravestones were even commissioned and erected to their own memory by people who were still living, as a testament to their wealth and status. In a Christian context, the very wealthy often erected elaborate memorials within churches rather than having simply external gravestones. Crematoria frequently offer similar alternatives to families who do not have a grave to mark, but who want a focus for their mourning and for remembrance. Carved or cast commemorative plaques inside the crematorium for example may serve this purpose.
Headstone Material
A cemetery may follow national codes of practice or independently prescribe the size and use of certain materials, especially in a conservation area. Some may limit the placing of a wooden memorial to six months after burial, after which a more permanent memorial must be placed. Others may require stones of a certain shape or position to facilitate grass-cutting. Headstones of granite, marble and other kinds of stoneare usually created, installed, and repaired by monumental masons. Cemeteries require regular inspection and maintenance, as stones may settle, topple and, on rare occasions, fall and injure people or graves may simply become overgrown and their markers lost or vandalised.
Restoration is a specialized job for a monumental mason. Even overgrowth removal requires care to avoid damaging the carving. For example, ivy should only be cut at the base roots and left to naturally die off, never pulled off forcefully. Many materials have been used as markers.
Fieldstones. The earliest markers for graves were natural fieldstone, some unmarked and others decorated or incised using a metal awl. Typical motifs for the carving included a symbol and the deceased’s name and age.
Granite. Granite is a hard stone and requires skill to carve by hand. Modern methods of carving include using computer-controlled rotary bits and sandblasting over a rubber stencil. Leaving the letters, numbers and emblems exposed on the stone, the blaster can create virtually any kind of artwork or epitaph.
Marble and limestone. Both limestone and marble take carving well. Marble is a recrystallised form of limestone. The mild acid in rainwater can slowly dissolve marble and limestone over time, which can make inscriptions unreadable. Portland stone was a type of limestone commonly used in England—after weathering, fossiliferous deposits tend to appear on the surface. Marble became popular from the early 19th century, though its extra cost limited its appeal.
Sandstone. Sandstone is durable, yet soft enough to carve easily. Some sandstone markers are so well preserved that individual chisel marks are discernible, while others have delaminated and crumbled to dust. Delamination occurs when moisture gets between the layers of the sandstone. As it freezes and expands the layers flake off. In the 17th century, sandstone replaced field stones in Colonial America. Yorkstone was a common sandstone material used in England.
Slate. Slate can have a pleasing texture but is slightly porous and prone to delamination. It takes lettering well, often highlighted with white paint or gilding.
headstone Inscriptions
Markers sometimes bear inscriptions. The information on the headstone generally includes the name of the deceased and their date of birth and death. Such information can be useful to genealogists and local historians. Larger cemeteries may require a discreet reference code as well to help accurately fix the location for maintenance. The cemetery owner, church, or, as in the UK, national guidelines might encourage the use of ‘tasteful’ and accurate wording in inscriptions. The placement of inscriptions is traditionally placed on the forward-facing side of the memorial but can also be seen in some cases on the reverse and around the edges of the stone itself. Some families request that an inscription be made on the portion of the memorial that will be underground.
Zippystone Granite Headstone China Leader of Monument, Gravestone, Tombstone Manufacturers
We are driven by our desire to be the most professional and quality-focused company within our industry. Our mission continues to be that zippystone will conduct business with integrity and ethically. However for us it’s not just about business, it goes much deeper than that. All of our employees are lead by our guiding principles as we serve our customers.